
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi is organizing a Book release function by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Sunday, 23rd March 2014 at 1 pm at Indian International Centre.  The title of the book is “Lal Bahadur Shastri: Lessons in Leadership”.

ATitle: Lal Bahadur Shastri – Lessons in Leadershiplbsji

Publisher: Wisdom Village Publications

Authors: Anil Shastri, Pavan Choudary

ISBN: 9789380710365

Price: Rs. 195/-

Pages: 170

This book carries anecdotes encapsulating Lal Bahadur’s childhood, growing up years and political life. Each anecdote is poignantly narrated by his son Anil Shastri. And, brilliantly interpreted by Pavan Choudary. The reader will take home unique and valuable insights. It is Lal Bahadur Shastri like never before.

The book highlights the rich values and principles of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, which is presented in three sections – values to inspire us at an individual level, interpersonal level and societal level. These anecdotes and recollections are thought provoking and capture the reader’s interest instantly with simply written prose highlighting his virtues of simplicity, integrity, tenacity, wisdom and leadership. His exemplary leadership helped the nation surmount challenges such as the acute food shortage, social unrest and hostile neighbours. His strategic guidance in winning the 1965 war against Pakistan was a note worthy milestone in state craft.

The book talks about several inspiring happenings from his life which bear moral lessons which may motivate the readers to aspire to be well rounded personalities and honest leaders. It makes for an interesting read with creative illustrations and is the outcome of extensive research on Shashtriji’s life.